          The heat is on: India is clueless at climate change talks The heat is bound to be on Jayanthi Natarajan as she returns from the Durban climate change conference having signed India 酒店打工onto what is being billed as a historic global agreement on cutting emissions of greenhouse gases. Cr 房屋買賣itics at home, however, are bound to see the agreement as a capitulation to the demands of developed countries that em 個人信貸erging economies like India and China no longer be given a free pass to pollute their way to development. After thunderous speeches in the 酒店兼職 dead of the night in Durban, at which Natarajan kept the Indian flag flying, and was valiantly backed by the Chinese climate change negotiator, India and Chi 借貸na were cornered by the European Union delegates into agreeing to an agreement that would commit themselves to begin cutting greenhouse gas emissions from 2020. This is the first tim 酒店兼職e India and China are committing themselves to a legally binding, verifiable framework on emission cuts, although the precise wording of the agreement was diluted slightly to give both the Indian and 房地產Chinese delegations something to sell back home. From all accounts, Natarajan and her delegation were metaphorically dragged kicking and screaming into the agreement. “India will never be intimidated by threats,” Natarajan 找房子had thundered barely hours earlier. “Why should I give a blank check and give a legally binding agreement to sign away the rights of 1.2 billion people?” The developed economies, she said, were shifting the blame to countries that were not prim 保濕面膜arily responsibly for climate change. “I am told India will be blamed,” Natarajan said. “Please don’t hold us hostage.” After thunderous speeches in the dead of the night in Durban, India and China were cornered by EU into agreeing to an agreement. AFP Pho 土地買賣to  .

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